Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Wonders and Woes

Ah, Spring! Time to enjoy the blooming flowers, warmer temperatures, and longer days. Time for the pups to frolic and the kitties to enjoy some fresh air.

Also time to haul out the preventive to protect against the fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes! The Animal Shelter could use your help keeping our animals safe from these dangerous pests. We need K9 Advantix for our dogs and CapStar or Frontline for our cats.

Won't you think of us as you get protection for your own pets? Even a single dose sent our way (1201 Parkwood Dr, Anniston, AL 36201) would help. Or, if you can spare it, a box shipped to us would be a blessing! Online vendors often have sales this time of year. Monetary donations are also gratefully accepted.

The Animal Shelter is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We rely on donations and volunteers. Please visit to help!