Sunday, January 31, 2010

Save a Heart this Valentine's

Three of our wonderful dogs have tested positive for Heartworm Disease.

Heartworm Disease is caused by the mosquito-born heartworm. Entering the bloodsteam via a mosquito bite, these little monsters lodge in the lungs, arteries, and heart, where they grow and reproduce. Untreated, heartworm disease is lethal.

Prevention is available in monthly doses that can cost as little as $5/month. Sadly, many people do not give their dogs preventive - even here in the South, where mosquitoes are a common & constant threat.

The result? Dogs like Lucky, Pumpkin, and Zak. Beautiful, happy, adoptable dogs who are slowly dying from a preventable disease.

Treatment is expensive and uncomfortable, but unavoidable if we want to save these dogs and offer them for adoption. Won't you help us give them the treatment they need, so they can find the homes they deserve? Please contribute to their heartworm funds.

Yup, I know what you are thinking. How on earth does a young Husky named Lucky end up with a deadly disease? Don't ask me, ask the folks who decided not to put me on heartworm preventive. Oops, but you can't, 'cause they abandoned me at a shelter. The shelter wants to save me. Will you help them?

In case you were wondering - yes! Purebreeds can get heartworm disease, too. I'm Pumpkin, and I am a happy, playful, silly Basset who loves life and wants to keep living it. Will you help me?

Last but never least! I'm Zak, a good ole Southern hound who doesn't deserve a bad ole Southern disease like heartworms. Please help get these things outta me, so I can continue being a happy, smiling (and many say handsome!) dog looking to charm my way into a home that will love me enough to keep me safe.

The Animal Shelter is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We rely on donations and volunteers. Please visit to help!