Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cold temps = scary times for Shelter

Can you imagine having to heat a large metal building when the temperature dips below freezing? Can you imagine hundreds of dog and cat lives depending on that heat? That's the challenge The Animal Shelter in Anniston, AL faces every winter.

This winter presents an even greater challenge, with weeks of bitter cold driving the heating bill to extremes. Needless to say, we are all nervous for what the near future holds.

The shelter struggles mightily against the odds to keep housing adoptable animals as best as possible in the housing they have. In 2009, the heating bill nearly got the better of them, and the gas company cut off service that spring due to unpaid bills. YOU can help prevent that happening this year.

Many people giving only a little can accomplish a lot! Can you spare the price of one meal out to keep a homeless dog or cat warm this winter?

Please ChipIn!