Monday, June 28, 2010

Meet Our Kitties!

Adopt-a-Cat Month may be coming to a close, but the opportunity to adopt a cat never ends. We want to remind you to think "The Animal Shelter" whenever it is time to add a cat or two to your life! We have ANY kind of cat you could possibly want!

Cute fluffy kittens? Got those!

Emerald-eyed tabbies? No problem!

Young and playful?

Old and playful!!





You want it - we got it! If it is a cat you need, please visit!

The Animal Shelter - 1201 Parkwood Dr - Anniston - 10-4 weekdays 12-3 Sat closed Wed/Sun
PetSmart at Oxford Exchange - cat condos - normal operating hours

Love the kitties but can't add one to your home? We need your help! We desperately need cat and kitten food, litter pans and litter. Please bring supplies to:

The Animal Shelter - 1201 Parkwood Dr - Anniston - 10-4 weekdays 12-3 Sat closed Wed /Sun
Secondhand Tails Thrift Store - 6500 McClellan Blvd - Anniston - M-Sat 10-3

The Animal Shelter is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in Anniston, AL. We rely on donations and volunteers. Please visit to help!