Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Shelter+ Challenge is back!

Once again, the Animal Rescue Site and are offering a number of monetary prizes in the Shelter+ Challenge spring edition! We made a strong showing in the Alabama rankings last fall. Can we do even better this spring?

It's FREE, it's EASY, and we could win $1,000 for our animals by winning the most weekly or state votes! So, this time, we are focusing on specific weeks to "get out the vote!" We are asking you to please encourage everyone in your address book to vote for us once a day for the week of Monday, April 27 through Sunday, May 3. Easy ways to remember to vote are to set your home page to the voting page for that week, or to set a computer reminder.

(Anyone voting every single day through July 26 gets extra doggie kisses & kitty purrs!)


1) Go to the voting page (
1) In the search box, enter The Animal Shelter and select AL.
2) When the results appear, click on Vote next to our name.
3) Be sure to identify the animal on the security page that follows!